Monday, July 15, 2013

Strength for my Heart

On Friday the 12th I had reached a mini crisis of heart.  I was down.  Our home study was paid for, but HOW were we ever going to have the money to pay our agency fees?  I went into the bathroom and just cried.  After a time of crying, I began to cry out to the Lord and tell Him how I was feeling.  I didn't leave the bathroom that night with any answers, but it felt good to talk to Him about it instead of just being grumpy and sad.

When I woke up the next morning it was to a Facebook post from Alison McLennon. ( Alison and her husband Tim traveled to Rwanda at the same time we did to bring home their little girl, we have been so blessed by them time and again!)  Her post stated they would match donations up to $1,000!  I spent the day in awe as donation after donation came in taking up all the way to$1,000!  Dillon and I went out that night for our anniversary amazed at how our family and friends rallied around to complete the goal!

We have so much more to raise, but it is things like this that keep my heart ready for the next day.  It was strength for the journey and a great reminder that we are not in this alone!

Friday, July 12, 2013

On to the Next Step

We completed our fingerprinting this past Monday.  It was fun to be back in the same room again, going through the same steps we did before, this time with Adeline sitting beside us.  It made it more real, knowing all of this "work" has a purpose.  A beautiful purpose.  I had gone back so many times in the past because my prints did not show up properly that the man taking my prints remembered me! Having this step done feels so good, we are on to the next thing.  Our home studies should start very soon.  We mailed in all of the paperwork and our check to our agency.  I talked to our social worker today and she wants to come next Saturday since Dillon is working in the evenings.  What an amazing lady!  She told us she would come evenings or weekends for us to help things move along more quickly.  We are blessed with a GREAT social worker!

Today Dillon and I had our medical exams with all the necessary paper work to fill out.  The kids were wonderful waiting for us knowing their turn is next Tuesday.  Every step we complete makes me want to jump for joy.  The only piece missing is the money, and I KNOW God sees how that will fall into place.  I believe Lord, but please help my unbelief!  Some nights I lay awake worried and stressed wondering how we will ever raise the money needed.  Oh why is this part so hard?! He led us down this path, I want to rest in that. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Family and Neighbors

This past week Dillon's sisters and their families came to Colorado!  We had a wonderful time visiting and catching up.  The last time we had seen them was Christmas 2011 so there was lots to talk about. We went to City Park Jazz on Sunday and got poured on! (fun memories!)  Dillon had to work, but yesterday the kids and I met them all down at Garden of the gods and had a nice time looking at the beautiful creation around us.   Both of Dillon's precious sisters and mom bought necklaces and coffee to support this adoption and we felt so blessed by their love and support.  

A few nights ago we had a knock on our door and it was one of our neighbors.  We know the people that live right around us pretty well, but there are some families down the street that we have not gotten to know yet.  It was one of these that was standing at our door when Dillon answered it.   We had talked a few weeks ago at our garage sale and told them about adopting a son from Uganda.  This dear couple had decided they wanted to help us financially and gave us a check in support.  Wow!  I was so blown away!  God is moving hearts and I am so thankful!

We have been filling our home study paper work out and are excited to begin the visits with our social worker soon.  We are planning on getting our child abuse clearance finger prints done this Friday.  A special prayer request regarding this would be for my finger prints to show up clearly.  I had to make many trips when we have done fingerprinting for Adeline's paperwork and would like to get it done the first try this time.

Thank you to my dear friend Allie who posted pictures of our family and cleaned up the blog for me!  In every area of life, I am so thankful for community!  Thank you for following our journey and praying with us as we wait for the finances to move forward.